I am excited to present my WordPress Plugin for the Shabbat Times. If you run a congregation’s Website with WordPress, you may now show the Zmanim for your town to your visitors and the name of the weekly Parasha.
It is shipped as a shortcode which you can use as follows:
Shabbat begins [ caljshabbat val="shabbat.begins" ], Ends [ caljshabbat val="shabbat.ends" ]
which would print this:
Shabbat begins 16:37, Ends 17:41
You can install it from the official WordPress plugins repository:
or directly from the Dashboard page of you Website.
You will need to register (free) to obtain an API key.
The available data for the Shortcode are:
: 18"shabbat.jmonthName"
: Tevetval="shabbat.jmonthName" lang="he"
: טבת"shabbat.jyear"
: 5785"city.name"
: New York Cityval="shabbat.parasha"
: Shemot[ caljshabbat lang=ru val=shabbat.parasha]
: Шмот"shabbat.begins"
: 16:37"shabbat.ends"
: 17:41val="shabbat.endsHour12"
: 5"dafyomi.string"
: סנהדרין ל
Feel free to contact me if you need any help implementing the plugin on your Website, or if you wish to suggest improvements.
שבת שלום,
Thanks for the great plugin.
I was wondering if you could do Daf HaShavua as well.
Thanks a lot.
What is Daf haShavua? is it a different cycle?