I am excited to present my WordPress Plugin for the Shabbat Times. If you run a congregation’s Website with WordPress, you may now show the Zmanim for your town to your visitors and the name of the weekly Parasha.
It is shipped as a shortcode which you can use as follows:
Shabbat begins [ caljshabbat val="shabbat.begins" ], Ends [ caljshabbat val="shabbat.ends" ]
which would print this:
Shabbat begins 18:58, Ends 19:59
You can install it from the official WordPress plugins repository:
or directly from the Dashboard page of you Website.
You will need to register (free) to obtain an API key.
The available data for the Shortcode are:
: 29"shabbat.jmonthName"
: Adarval="shabbat.jmonthName" lang="he"
: אדר"shabbat.jyear"
: 5785"city.name"
: New York Cityval="shabbat.parasha"
: Pekudei[ caljshabbat lang=ru val=shabbat.parasha]
: Пкудей"shabbat.begins"
: 18:58"shabbat.ends"
: 19:59val="shabbat.endsHour12"
: 7"dafyomi.string"
: סנהדרין קא
Feel free to contact me if you need any help implementing the plugin on your Website, or if you wish to suggest improvements.
שבת שלום,
Thanks for the great plugin.
I was wondering if you could do Daf HaShavua as well.
Thanks a lot.
What is Daf haShavua? is it a different cycle?